~NeW BorN!~
3:55 AM | Author: wardah shauqah


"Actions are (judged) by motives (niyyah), so each man will have what he intended. Thus, he whose migration (hijrah) was to Allah and His Messenger, his migration is to Allah and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing he might gain, or for a wife he might marry, his migration is to that for which he migrated." (bukhari and muslim)

-hadith arba’in : 1-

Ya habibi ya maulana…

ahlan wasahlan wa marhaban bikum...


selamat datang…^_^

Alhamdulillah, praised be upon Him,

the most gracious and most merciful…

because of Him, we are HERE,

because of Him we are ALIVE…


we will try together to share

(as well as sharing is caring >_1)

and support each other.

In this nasty world, it is hard to live alone…

even, if we want to eat something,

we need others to support us,

as the people to sell, as the trees to live,

as the animals to survive,

as the earth and the belonging to support…

The 1st hadith in hadith arba’in tells that,

everything we do is based on our niyyah,

and we will get what we want

based on our niyyah.

Therefore, before we continue

our journeys in this beautiful site,

let us renew and refresh our niyyah (motives),


New generations in High Flyers Islamic Bureau…

Muhammad Nafis Hakimi b. Mohd Najib (CAL)

Mohammad Azarul Zaman b. Mazlan (CAL)

Nur Ainina binti Karim Ghani (SAM)

Noor Atika binti Mohd Rozar (ICPU)

New News…

Ø Tabloid iluvislam is available in the musolla. Feel free to read it, without any fee…^_^

Ø Tayangan Perdana THE MESSAGE, soon in LT3, Taylor’s College, just for free. On FRIDAY, (12th March 2010) , 15.00-17.30..>_<

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On March 6, 2010 at 4:58 AM , wardah shauqah said...

salam..credit to Noor Atika bt Mohd Rozar (^_^) ..de one who creates this whole post..thnks tikah yg comel!!

On March 6, 2010 at 10:24 PM , -man ana- said...

Alhamdulillah, keep the good effort!